Your child’s “firsts” are always an exciting moment. First steps, first words and of course, that first tooth! But did you know it is important to take your child to the dentist when that first tooth erupts? Although “baby teeth” will eventually fall out to leave room for adult teeth, they are extremely important for your child’s development. You may have some concerns or questions regarding their first visit, however. Will they be scared? What will happen during the appointment? How can you prepare for the first appointment? Luckily for you, our Orange County dentist is here to answer the most common questions and concerns you may have!
When Do I Schedule My Baby’s First Dental Appointment?
When it comes to “baby teeth” parents often think that professional dental care is not needed. However, this is far from the case. Your child’s baby teeth are there to help them eat properly, speak properly and nourish themselves. Research has also shown that the health of baby teeth may also impact the health of our permanent teeth and how they erupt. We recommend scheduling your child’s first appointment once their first tooth has erupted.
What Should I Expect at My Baby’s First Dental Appointment?
During your child’s first appointment at Orange County Children’s Dentistry our main goal is to become acquainted with your little one and build trust. Depending upon the age of your child, their first visit may consist of:
Haven’t scheduled your child’s first pediatric dental visit in Orange County? Contact Orange County Children’s Dentistry today! We’d be happy to evaluate your child’s smile.